Create interesting NPCs

Non-player characters (NPCs) are an essential part of any tabletop RPG. They can provide information, offer quests, and add depth and personality to the game world. But creating interesting NPCs can be a challenge, especially for new game masters. In this post, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for creating NPCs that are engaging, memorable, and add to the overall gameplay experience.

  1. Give Them a Unique Personality:
    One of the best ways to create interesting NPCs is to give them a unique personality. This can involve giving them a distinct voice or accent, a quirky behavior, or a specific backstory that sets them apart from other NPCs in the game world. Think about what makes your NPC unique and how their personality can enhance the overall gameplay experience.
  2. Create Goals and Motivations:
    NPCs should have their own goals and motivations that drive their actions and decisions. This can involve anything from seeking revenge on a rival NPC to protecting a valuable artifact. Creating clear goals and motivations for your NPCs can add depth and complexity to the game world, and create interesting storylines for the players to follow.
  3. Use Visual Descriptions:
    A great way to make NPCs more memorable is to use visual descriptions. This can involve describing their appearance, clothing, or other distinguishing features. Giving your NPCs a distinctive appearance can make them stand out in the minds of your players and help create a more immersive game world.
  4. Make Them Interactive:
    NPCs should be interactive and engage with the players in meaningful ways. This can involve asking the players for help, providing useful information, or offering unique quests or rewards. Creating interactive NPCs can make the game world feel more alive and help keep the players engaged and invested in the story.
  5. Add Flaws and Quirks:
    Finally, don’t be afraid to add flaws and quirks to your NPCs. This can involve giving them a phobia, a speech impediment, or a tendency to ramble on about their personal life. Flaws and quirks can make your NPCs more human and relatable, and add an extra layer of depth and personality to the game world.

By giving your NPCs even a few of the unique qualities, you can create NPCs that are interesting, memorable, and add to the overall gameplay experience.

Have fun and roll some dice!

The pillars of TTRPG gameplay

Tabletop RPGs (TTRPGs) are a unique form of gaming that rely on a combination of gameplay pillars to create an engaging and immersive experience. These gameplay pillars can be thought of as the core elements that make up the gameplay experience of a TTRPG. In this post, we’ll go over the three main gameplay pillars of a TTRPG: Exploration, Combat, and Roleplaying.

  1. Exploration:
    Exploration is one of the most important gameplay pillars of a TTRPG. It involves exploring the game world, interacting with non-player characters (NPCs), and discovering new places and things. This can involve anything from investigating a mysterious artifact to delving deep into a dangerous dungeon. Exploration can also involve discovering clues, solving puzzles, and discovering hidden secrets. It’s an essential part of creating an engaging and immersive game world.
  2. Combat:
    Combat is another important gameplay pillar of a TTRPG. It involves engaging in battles with enemies, whether they be monsters or other NPCs. Combat can be an exciting and challenging aspect of a TTRPG, and it can involve a range of mechanics, such as turn-based combat or real-time combat. Combat can also involve strategy and teamwork, as players work together to defeat the enemy and achieve their objectives.
  3. Roleplaying:
    Roleplaying is the third gameplay pillar of a TTRPG. It involves playing a character in the game world and making decisions based on that character’s personality, backstory, and goals. Roleplaying can involve anything from interacting with NPCs to making choices that affect the story and other players. Roleplaying can be an exciting and engaging aspect of a TTRPG, as it allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game world and create unique and memorable characters.

While these three pillars are the main elements that make up the gameplay experience of a TTRPG, they can also overlap and interact with each other. For example, combat can involve elements of exploration and roleplaying, such as using the environment to gain an advantage in battle or making decisions based on a character’s personality. The same can be said for exploration and roleplaying.

These pillars work together to create an engaging and immersive gaming experience, and each one is important in its own way. Whether you prefer exploring new places, engaging in exciting battles, or fully immersing yourself in your character’s backstory and personality, there is a gameplay pillar for everyone in a TTRPG.

Have fun and roll some dice!

5 ways to make your GM happy

As a player in a tabletop role playing game (TTRPG), your relationship with your game master (GM) is an important one. A good GM can make the game exciting, challenging, and enjoyable for everyone involved. But what can you as a player do to make your GM happy and ensure a great gaming experience? Here are 5 things to keep in mind:

  1. Be Prepared:
    One of the best things you can do to make your GM happy is to be prepared for the game. This means having a good understanding of the game mechanics and rules, as well as your own character and their abilities. It also means being on time, having your supplies ready (such as dice and a character sheet), and being mentally prepared to play.
  2. Respect the GM:
    Remember that your GM is running the game for you and your fellow players, and they put in a lot of time and effort to make the game fun and engaging. Show them respect by listening to their instructions and following their lead during the game. Avoid arguing with the GM or trying to manipulate the story in a way that disrupts the game flow.
  3. Engage with the Story:
    A good RPG is all about the story and the characters, so engage with the game world and the NPCs your GM presents to you. Be curious, ask questions, and try to learn as much as you can about the game setting. This will not only make the game more interesting and enjoyable for you, but it will also show your GM that you’re invested in the story they’re telling.
  4. Collaborate with Your Fellow Players:
    Remember that tabletop RPGs are a collaborative experience. Work with your fellow players to create a fun and engaging story that everyone can enjoy. This means taking turns during roleplay, listening to other players’ ideas, and working together during combat encounters. Your GM will appreciate the teamwork and the effort to create a positive group dynamic.
  5. Give Feedback:
    Finally, after the game is over, take the time to give your GM feedback on the session. Let them know what you liked and what you didn’t like, and offer suggestions for future games. This will not only help your GM improve their skills and make the game more enjoyable for everyone, but it will also show them that you value their hard work and appreciate the effort they put in to make the game great.

By following these 5 tips, you can make your GM happy and ensure a great gaming experience for everyone involved. Remember, tabletop RPGs are all about having fun and creating an engaging story together. So, respect your GM, engage with the story, collaborate with your fellow players, and give feedback.


Have fun and roll some dice!

There is a TTRPG for everyone

Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) have been around for decades and have a loyal following of dedicated players. There are many different games out there, each with their own unique mechanics, setting, and feel. In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the top tabletop RPGs available and compare their strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Dungeons & Dragons:
    Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is perhaps the most well-known tabletop RPG, and for good reason. It’s a classic game that has been around since the 1970s and has gone through several iterations over the years. The latest edition, 5th edition, is a great place to start for new players. It’s accessible, easy to learn, and has a rich setting with lots of options for character creation. The downside? Some players find the rules a bit clunky, and combat can be slow at times.
  2. Pathfinder:
    Pathfinder is another classic tabletop RPG that grew out of the D&D 3.5 edition rules. It’s a bit more complex than D&D, with a wider range of character options and more detailed rules for combat and skills. It also has a huge library of sourcebooks and adventure paths to choose from. However, this complexity can be intimidating for new players, and some find it hard to keep track of all the rules.
  3. Call of Cthulhu:
    Call of Cthulhu is a horror-themed RPG set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft. It’s known for its focus on investigation and roleplaying, with less emphasis on combat. The game uses a percentile-based system for skills, which is simple and easy to learn. The downside? Some players might find the horror themes a bit too intense or disturbing.
  4. Savage Worlds:
    Savage Worlds is a generic RPG system that can be used to play any setting or genre. It’s known for its fast, streamlined rules and emphasis on cinematic action. It also has a lot of support from publishers, with many setting books available. The downside? Some players might find the rules too simple, and there’s less emphasis on character development.
  5. Fate:
    Fate is another generic RPG system that can be used to play any setting or genre. It’s known for its emphasis on collaborative storytelling and player agency. The rules are simple and flexible, with a focus on character aspects and narrative hooks. The downside? Some players might find the lack of structure or guidance in the rules a bit overwhelming.

These are just a few examples of the top tabletop RPGs available. Each game has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right one for you will depend on your personal preferences and play style. When choosing a game, consider the level of complexity, the setting and genre, and the type of gameplay you enjoy. And remember, no matter which game you choose, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the experience with your fellow players.

Have fun and roll some dice!

Choosing the right RPG system as a Game Master

Choosing the right RPG system to run as a game master is an important decision that can greatly impact the success and enjoyment of your game. There are many different systems out there, each with their own unique mechanics, setting, and feel. In this post, we’ll go through some of the key factors to consider when choosing an RPG system that’s right for you.

  1. Complexity:
    One of the first things to consider is the level of complexity you’re comfortable with. Some RPG systems, like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder, have a lot of rules and mechanics to keep track of, while others, like Fate or Savage Worlds, are more streamlined and easier to learn. If you’re new to RPGs or don’t have a lot of time to invest in learning complex rules, a simpler system might be a better fit for you.
  2. Setting and Genre:
    The setting and genre of the RPG system you choose can greatly impact the type of story and gameplay you’ll be running. Some RPG systems, like Call of Cthulhu or Vampire: The Masquerade, are specifically designed for a certain genre, while others, like Fate or Savage Worlds, are more flexible and can be used for any setting or genre. Consider the type of story you want to tell and the world you want to create, and choose an RPG system that fits with that vision.
  3. Mechanics:
    The mechanics of the RPG system you choose can greatly impact the flow and feel of the game. Some systems, like D&D, have a strong emphasis on combat and skill checks, while others, like Fate, put more emphasis on narrative storytelling and player agency. Think about the type of gameplay you and your players enjoy, and choose an RPG system that supports that type of gameplay.
  4. Source Material:
    The availability of source material, such as campaign books, supplements, and modules, can greatly impact the ease and depth of your game. Some systems, like D&D, have a wealth of source material available, while others, like Fate or Savage Worlds, might have less official support. Consider how much time and effort you want to invest in creating your own content, and choose an RPG system that has the right amount of source material for your needs.
  5. Familiarity:
    Finally, consider how familiar you and your players are with the RPG system you choose. If everyone is new to the system, you might want to choose a simpler and more accessible system to start with. If everyone is experienced with a certain system, you might want to stick with that system to ensure a smooth and familiar gameplay experience.

Overall, choosing the right RPG system for you as a dungeon master is a personal decision that will depend on your play style, preferences, and the needs of your group. Take the time to research and experiment with different systems, and don’t be afraid to try something new. The most important thing is to have fun and roll some dice!

So, you want to be an adventurer? A first-time player’s guide to TTRPGs

You’re interested in playing tabletop roleplaying games but you’ve never done it before? No problem! Welcome to the hobby, I’m excited to help you get started on this journey of adventure and imagination. Here’s what you need to do before your first game:

  1. Choose a game:
    The first step is to choose a game you want to play. There are many different tabletop RPGs out there, and each has its own rules, setting, and flavor. Some popular games include Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Call of Cthulhu. Do some research and find one that appeals to you.
  2. Read the rules:
    Once you’ve chosen a game, it’s important to read the rules. This might seem daunting, but don’t worry. You don’t need to memorize everything before you start playing. Just familiarize yourself with the basics, like how to roll dice, how to create a character, and how combat works. You can always refer back to the rulebook as needed during the game.
  3. Create a character:
    Creating a character is one of the most exciting parts of playing a tabletop RPG. It’s your chance to imagine and bring to life a unique and interesting character that you’ll play throughout the game. Depending on the game, character creation might involve choosing a race, class, skills, and abilities. There are also many online resources available to help you create a character. Don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun!
  4. Get the right supplies:
    To play a tabletop RPG, you’ll need a few basic supplies. The most important are dice (usually a set of polyhedral dice), pencils, paper, and a character sheet. You might also want to invest in some miniatures or tokens to represent your character on the tabletop.
  5. Be prepared to have fun:
    Finally, be prepared to have fun! Remember that tabletop RPGs are all about creativity, imagination, and storytelling. Don’t worry too much about getting everything right the first time. The most important thing is to have a good time and enjoy the experience with your fellow players.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to playing your first tabletop RPG. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and let your imagination run wild… and roll some dice!

Getting started as a GM

So, you’re thinking about becoming a game master? That’s great news! As a game master myself, I can tell you that it’s a rewarding and fulfilling experience that will challenge your creativity and keep you on your toes. But before you dive in, there are a few things you should know.

First off, you need to understand the game system you’re using. If you’re running Dungeons & Dragons, for example, you’ll want to have a good grasp of the rules and mechanics before you start. Don’t worry, you don’t need to memorize every rule in the book, but you should at least be familiar with the basics, like how combat works and how to roll a skill check. And if all else fails, just make something up and blame it on the goblins.

Next, you’ll need to prepare for the game. This might include creating a setting, developing NPCs, planning encounters, and coming up with story ideas. My advice? Don’t overthink it. Your players will surprise you with their choices and actions, so leave room for improvisation. And if you’re really stuck, just throw in a dragon. Dragons make everything better.

When it’s time to run the game session, remember to keep things moving. Players tend to get bored if they spend too much time planning and not enough time doing. But don’t be afraid to slow things down if your players are really getting into a particular scene or encounter. And if all else fails, just throw in another dragon.

Now, let’s talk about creating a safe and welcoming environment. This is important! As a game master, you have a responsibility to make sure all players feel comfortable and included. That means being aware of any potential issues that might arise, such as power imbalances or exclusionary behavior. And if all else fails, just throw in a friendly dragon.

Finally, after the game is over, it’s important to get feedback from your players. Ask them what they liked, what they didn’t like, and what they’d like to see more of. This will help you improve your game and keep things fresh. And if all else fails, just throw in a baby dragon. They’re adorable.

So, there you have it. Some quick tips for getting into tabletop roleplaying as a game master. Remember, it’s all about having fun and being creative. And if all else fails, just throw in a dragon. Or a baby dragon. Or a friendly dragon. You get the idea.

Have fun and roll some dice!

Hail fellow, well met

Welcome to the wonderful world of tabletop role-playing games! If you’re new to the hobby, we’re thrilled to have you. There’s a whole world of adventure waiting for you, whether you’re interested in delving into dark dungeons, solving mysteries, or exploring strange new worlds.

As a player, there’s no limit to the possibilities of what you can do. You get to inhabit a character of your own creation, making decisions and taking actions that can shape the course of the game. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions, and always remember that the goal of the game is to have fun and tell a great story.

As a Game Master, you have an opportunity to create whole worlds and bring them to life. You get to challenge your players with puzzles, battles, and moral dilemmas, and watch as they navigate their way through the challenges you’ve set before them. Don’t be afraid to let your creativity run wild, and always remember that the goal of the game is to create a memorable experience for your players.

One of the most important things you can do as a player or Game Master is to stay curious. There are always new ideas and approaches to explore, and by staying open to new possibilities, you can keep the game fresh and exciting. Whether you’re trying out a new character class, experimenting with a different genre, or exploring a new game system, the key is to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Another important aspect of TTRPGs is creativity. As a player or Game Master, you have the opportunity to flex your creative muscles and come up with new and innovative ideas. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, experiment with new approaches, and see where your imagination takes you.

Finally, remember that TTRPGs are a collaborative effort. Whether you’re playing with friends or strangers, the game is a chance to come together and create something special. Embrace the unique perspectives and ideas of your fellow players and Game Masters, and work together to tell the best story possible.

Have fun and roll some dice!

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