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Join the Adventure: Open Beta for Pathfinder NEXUS Character Tools Now Live!

Exciting news for all Pathfinder 2nd Edition players! Demiplane has just launched the open beta for their Pathfinder NEXUS Character Tools. This online suite is designed to assist both new and experienced players in creating and managing their Pathfinder characters.

The Pathfinder NEXUS Character Tools include the Character Builder and the Character Sheet. The Character Builder guides you step-by-step through the process of creating a character, even if you’re not familiar with the rules. The Character Sheet is interactive and includes a click-to-know system, shareable character sheets, calculations, automations, a dice roller, and more.


The tools are optimized for mobile, tablets, and desktop screens, and no download or installation is required. You can access your characters and the tools anywhere you have a data connection.


During the open beta, Demiplane encourages players to provide feedback and stay up-to-date on changes. You can participate in the community and provide feedback on the Demiplane Forums. They also provide weekly Dev Updates on Twitch and YouTube.

With a free Demiplane account, you can create up to 7 characters. If you want to create more, you can upgrade to a paid Demiplane Membership, which unlocks unlimited characters and the ability to share your Pathfinder NEXUS library with up to 24 people.

To try out the Pathfinder NEXUS Character Tools for yourself, click here. Join the open beta and start creating your Pathfinder 2nd Edition characters today!

Unveiling New Expansions for The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game: Dive into Eriador’s Tales and Ruins

Hello, fellow adventurers of Middle-earth! We have some thrilling news to share with you today. Free League Publishing has announced two new expansions for The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying game: “Ruins of Eriador” and “Tales From Eriador”. These expansions are adapted from the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game, based on the timeless works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Journey into the Lone-lands

The expansions are 5E adaptations of Tales From the Lone-Lands and Ruins of the Lost Realm, taking players on a journey through the desolate Lone-lands and the mysterious ruins of Eriador. The pre-order for these expansions was launched recently, giving immediate access to the PDFs of these supplements, months ahead of the official release in the fall.

Tales From Eriador

Tales From Eriador includes a series of adventures, each with its unique narrative and challenges. From battling ancient evils to dealing with the infiltration of the Enemy’s spies, these adventures promise to keep you on the edge of your seat. The adventures are set around the year 2965, adding an interesting historical context to your roleplaying experience.

Ruins of Eriador

Ruins of Eriador, on the other hand, is a 5E adaptation of the previously published Ruins of the Lost Realm. It offers a detailed description of the regions that were once part of the kingdom of Arnor, with a focus on the city of Tharbad. The expansion also provides a set of narrative elements for the Loremaster to build a possible future for the land of Eriador, including looming threats, characters, and their agendas.

A New Era of Middle-earth Roleplaying

These expansions mark a new era for The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying game, bringing players further into the Twilight of the Third Age. With the praised and award-winning The One Ring™ Second Edition, the game has entered a new era and brings players further into the Twilight of the Third Age.

The pre-order for these expansions has launched, giving immediate access to the PDFs of these supplements, months ahead of the official release in the fall. This is a fantastic opportunity for fans and players to get an early look at these exciting new additions to the game.

To pre-order these expansions, visit the Free League webshop. Don’t miss out on this chance to delve deeper into the rich lore and thrilling adventures of Middle-earth!

About Free League Publishing

Free League Publishing, based in Stockholm, Sweden, is a game studio and publisher dedicated to speculative fiction. They have published a wide range of award-winning tabletop roleplaying games and acclaimed art books set in strange and wondrous worlds. Their upcoming games include the highly anticipated fantasy RPG Dragonbane, The Walking Dead Universe RPG, PIRATE BORG, and Zone Wars – A Mutant; Year Zero Wargame.

So, gear up, adventurers! Middle-earth is waiting for you. Let’s explore the lands and live to tell the tales. For more information about The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying game and the new expansions, visit the Free League webshop.

The War of the Ring, Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings, The One Ring and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd and their respective licensees. © 2023 Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC & Sophisticated Games Ltd.

Fablecraft: A Vibrant and Accessible Digital Tabletop Roleplaying Experience

Introducing Fablecraft, an upcoming digital-first tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) experience developed by indie gaming studio Riftweaver. Fablecraft aims to break down the barriers to entry often associated with TTRPGs, providing a vibrant and easy-to-use platform for both seasoned players and those new to the genre. With its unique features and intuitive design, Fablecraft invites players to embark on collaborative storytelling adventures like never before.

Fablecraft addresses the intimidating learning curve that often deters newcomers from exploring TTRPGs. It offers a low barrier to entry, allowing all players, regardless of experience, to come together and enjoy the immersive world of tabletop roleplaying. The game leverages digital features to provide an effortless and intuitive experience, removing the need for laborious onboarding, complex stat-checking, or lengthy rule manuals. Fablecraft is designed to be picked up and played within 90 minutes, making it accessible to players with busy schedules.

One of the standout features of Fablecraft is its innovative game system, set in a new world called Mythas. Players assume the roles of Mages, wielding unique powers influenced by their chosen homeland, class, and fighting style. Character creation is quick and easy, and the game incorporates interactive battle maps and digital dice rolls, streamlining gameplay mechanics and allowing players to stay fully engaged in the unfolding story. Fablecraft seamlessly combines immersive visuals, integrated video, audio, and text chat, creating a captivating and visually stunning experience.

Flexibility is at the core of Fablecraft, as it can be played online or in-person on various platforms such as iOS, Windows, Android, and MacOS. The game adapts to fit the diverse lifestyles of players, allowing them to connect with friends and embark on exciting adventures anytime, anywhere.

David Hohusen, Co-founder of Riftweaver, expressed the studio’s mission: “We’re making the tabletop RPG format accessible to anyone with a mobile device, an active imagination, and a sense of adventure. With Fablecraft, players around the world will be able to connect with friends through slightly weird, extremely visually beautiful, often hilarious, and always wonderful experiences.”

Fablecraft’s Kickstarter campaign ends June 7, 2023

Visit the official Fablecraft Kickstarter page

Gloomhaven: The Role-Playing Game – A Revolutionary Leap in Tabletop Gaming

Cephalofair Games, the innovative minds behind the record-breaking board games Gloomhaven and Frosthaven, have announced their latest venture – Gloomhaven: The Role-Playing Game!

A New Spin on a Beloved Universe

Cephalofair Games has always been known for their commitment to creating immersive, high strategy worlds. Their latest project is no exception. They’re taking the beloved Gloomhaven universe and transforming it into a full-fledged role-playing game. This isn’t just a board game with a Game Master (GM) – it’s a whole new way to experience Gloomhaven.

Rewarding Player Savvy

One of the things that sets Gloomhaven apart is its focus on minimizing randomness and rewarding player savvy. This philosophy will continue in the Role-Playing Game. Unlike many RPG systems that rely heavily on dice rolls and set character builds, Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game promises to continue rewarding strategic play.

A World of Possibilities

The game will provide the tools and the lore to create your own stories in the Gloomhaven world. The playing field is being opened up to allow for any class and ancestry combination, offering a truly unique ability set. This means you can be an Inox Spellweaver, an Orchid Cragheart, or anything else you can imagine.

Cross-Compatibility and Accessibility

The Gloomhaven Role Playing Game is being designed to be cross-compatible with all of Cephalofair’s previous board game releases. This means that each big-box campaign board game you’ve invested in can function as a sort of Gloom Master tool kit. But don’t worry if you don’t own any of their past titles. You can just pick up the core Gloomhaven: RPG sourcebook and its accompanying card set and play.

A Stellar Team

Cephalofair has also recruited BJ Hensley to their team as their Director of Art and Graphic Design and the RPGs Creative Director. With her 15+ years of experience in the RPG industry, she’s sure to bring a lot of expertise to the table.

Looking Ahead

Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game is set to launch on Backerkit’s new crowdfunding platform in June of 2023, alongside hundreds of miniatures for use across their various products.

This announcement is a game-changer. Gloomhaven has already made a significant impact on the board game community, and it’s thrilling to see it branching out into the TTRPG space. The focus on minimizing randomness and rewarding player strategy is a refreshing approach that’s sure to appeal to many TTRPG enthusiasts.

The possibility of any class and ancestry combination opens up a world of creativity for players, and the cross-compatibility with previous Gloomhaven games is a thoughtful touch that respects the investments of longtime fans.

With the experienced BJ Hensley at the helm of art and design, we can expect a visually stunning and well-crafted game. I, for one, can’t wait to see what stories we’ll be able to tell in this expanded Gloomhaven universe.

As always, remember to have fun and roll some dice!

Rediscovering the Essence of Classic Gaming: An Introduction to Shadowdark RPG

Old-school Fantasy Gaming, Reimagined

In the realm of fantasy role-playing games, Shadowdark RPG stands out as a unique blend of classic gaming elements and modern innovation. Drawing inspiration from the early days of tabletop RPGs, Shadowdark aims to evoke the thrilling atmosphere of sword-and-sorcery adventures while incorporating 50 years of game design advancements to create an experience that is fast, familiar, intuitive, and deadly.

The Spirit of Classic Gaming, Revitalized

Shadowdark RPG captures the essence of old-school gaming through its focus on exploration, danger, and treasure-hunting in a dark and mysterious world. The game transports players to a time when monsters lurked in the shadows and ancient treasures lay hidden, waiting for brave adventurers to claim them. With its streamlined rules and emphasis on creative problem-solving, Shadowdark harkens back to the golden age of fantasy gaming while updating the experience for modern players.

A Race Against Time: Real-Time Gameplay in Shadowdark RPG

One of the most notable innovations in Shadowdark RPG is the incorporation of real-time gameplay elements. In this game, a torch serves as a crucial light source for adventurers delving into the dark and treacherous world of the Shadowdark, and it only lasts for one hour of actual game time. This time constraint adds a heightened sense of urgency and tension to the game, forcing players to make quick decisions and prioritize their actions as they navigate through the ever-present darkness.

Embrace the Thrill of Old-School Gaming with Shadowdark RPG

Shadowdark RPG offers a unique and captivating gaming experience that will appeal to fans of classic fantasy role-playing games as well as newcomers to the genre. With its blend of old-school sensibilities and modern game design, Shadowdark transports players to a world of danger, magic, and adventure where their wits and courage will be put to the test. So, gather your fellow adventurers and embark on a journey into the Shadowdark – the ultimate old-school gaming experience, reimagined for a new generation!

Find out more at The Arcane Library and keep up to date with Shadowdark RPG on KickStarter

Monster Compendium

Welcome to the Pen & Paper Tavern Monster Compendium, a collection of handcrafted horrors and extraordinary creatures to ignite your tabletop adventures. Unleash these bespoke monstrosities upon your players and witness unforgettable tales of triumph and terror.

Name CR Type
Voidskulker 1/2 Humanoid (Goblinoid)


Size: Small | Type: Humanoid (Goblinoid) | Alignment: Neutral Evil

Armor Class: 15 (leather armor, shield)

Hit Points: 9 (2d6+2)

Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

STR: 8 (-1) | DEX: 16 (+3) | CON: 12 (+1) | INT: 10 (0) | WIS: 8 (-1) | CHA: 10 (0)

Skills: Stealth +6

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9

Languages: Goblin

Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)


Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.

Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.

Special Ability (1/day)

As an action, the voidskulker taps into the chaotic energies of the void, infusing its weapon with unstable astral energy. The next successful melee weapon attack made by the voidskulker within the next minute deals an additional 3d6 force damage. Additionally, the target must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from the voidskulker and knocked prone. Once the void infusion ability is used, the voidskulker cannot use it again until it completes a long rest.

Space Tactics: Voidskulkers are skilled at hit-and-run tactics, taking advantage of their small size and nimbleness to outmaneuver foes. They favor ambushes and coordinate attacks from multiple angles, using their mobility to quickly retreat or reposition in zero gravity environments. They often employ crude jetpacks or grappling hooks to gain the upper hand in space combat.

Tenebrous Wisp 3 Aberration

Tenebrous Wisp

Size: Small | Type: Aberration | Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 22 (5d6+5)

Speed: 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

STR: 3 (-4) | DEX: 16 (+3) | CON: 12 (+1) | INT: 10 (0) | WIS: 14 (+2) | CHA: 8 (-1)

Saving Throws: DEX +5, WIS +4

Skills: Stealth +5

Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks


Incorporeal Movement: The Tenebrous Wisp can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.


Whispers of Insanity: The Tenebrous Wisp targets one creature it can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by short-term madness (roll on the Short-Term Madness table in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 259).

Special Ability (1/day)

Shriek of Despair: All creatures within a 30-foot radius of the Tenebrous Wisp must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature is frightened for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Eldritch Amalgamation 9 Aberration

Eldritch Amalgamation

Size: Medium | Type: Aberration | Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 97 (13d8 + 39)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR: 16 (+3) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 16 (+3) | INT: 10 (0) | WIS: 12 (+1) | CHA: 8 (-1)

Saving Throws: Wis +4

Skills: Perception +4

Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks


Amorphous: The Eldritch Amalgamation can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Darkvision: The Eldritch Amalgamation can see in dim light within 60 feet of it as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.


Multiattack: The Eldritch Amalgamation makes two tentacle attacks.

Tentacle: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Special Ability (1/day)

Dark Eruption: The Eldritch Amalgamation releases a burst of eldritch energy in a 20-foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Voidborn Leviathan 20 Aberration

Voidborn Leviathan

Size: Gargantuan | Type: Aberration | Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 312 (25d20+100)

Speed: 20 ft., swim 60 ft.

STR: 26 (+8) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 21 (+5) | INT: 18 (+4) | WIS: 16 (+3) | CHA: 10 (0)

Saving Throws: STR +15, CON +12, INT +11

Skills: Arcana +11, Perception +10, Insight +10

Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks

Damage Immunities: psychic

Senses: blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20

Languages: Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft.

Challenge: 20 (25,000 XP)


Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Voidborn Leviathan fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack: The Voidborn Leviathan makes three attacks: two with its tentacles and one with its bite.

Tentacle: Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d8+8) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 23). The Voidborn Leviathan has four tentacles, each of which can grapple one target.

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10+8) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage.

Legendary Actions

The Voidborn Leviathan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Voidborn Leviathan regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  • Tentacle Attack: The Voidborn Leviathan makes a tentacle attack.
  • Break Free (Costs 2 Actions): The Voidborn Leviathan ends one grapple, restraint, or immobilizing effect on itself.
  • Warp Reality (Costs 3 Actions): The Voidborn Leviathan releases a pulse of otherworldly energy, causing the terrain in a 30-foot radius around it to become difficult terrain. Creatures within that area must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be confused (as the confusion spell) until the end of their next turn.

Special Ability (1/day)

Cosmic Devourer: The Voidborn Leviathan opens a tear in reality, creating a 30-foot-radius sphere of darkness centered on a point it can see within 120 feet. The area is considered magical darkness, and even creatures with darkvision cannot see through it. At the start of the Voidborn Leviathan’s next turn, all creatures within the area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The darkness then dissipates.

The Lure of the One Ring: Exploring the World of Lord of the Rings 5e Roleplaying


Venture into the world of Middle-earth with the Lord of the Rings 5e Roleplaying game. While the basic structure of the game remains largely unchanged from standard 5e rules, there are several distinctive elements, mainly ported over from The One Ring roleplaying game. In this blog post, we will delve into these differences and explore the new mechanics that make the Lord of the Rings Roleplaying an immersive and unique experience.

Fellowship Points & Patrons

In the Lord of the Rings Roleplaying game, all player-characters belong to a Company with a numerical Fellowship rating representing the bond of mutual trust between members. Fellowship points can be spent to gain confidence, providing advantage on ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws. Additionally, each Company eventually chooses a Patron, an influential individual who provides support, counsel, and additional reasons to go adventuring.

Magical Success

The subtle magic of Middle-earth is represented through enchanted objects and ancient spells that allow heroes to exceed the capabilities of mere mortals. Magical success, triggered by these enchantments, allows heroes to automatically succeed at nearly impossible tasks, such as disappearing in a crowd or crossing a river on a tightrope.

Cultural Backgrounds

Backgrounds in this game are connected to a hero’s Culture, with six backgrounds per culture that provide skill proficiencies, tool proficiency, and two distinctive features. This connection to Culture adds depth and distinction to character creation.

Rewards, Virtues, and Crafts

In lieu of spellcasting, the heroes of the Lord of the Rings Roleplaying game have access to Rewards, Virtues, and Crafts. Rewards are superior pieces of wargear awarded for deeds, while Virtues represent unique abilities and talents characteristic of a given culture. Crafts are special techniques that grant effects similar to spells in other fantasy games, such as the ability to frighten enemies, befriend animals, or create magical objects.

Councils & Journeys

Emphasizing exploration and social interaction, the game provides detailed rules for traveling (Journeys) and social interactions (Councils). Journeys allow players to experience the exploration of Middle-earth as an important phase of the game, filled with dangers, unexpected situations, and natural wonders. Councils, on the other hand, bring the importance of diplomacy, negotiation, and intrigue to the forefront of gameplay.

The Lord of the Rings 5e Roleplaying game offers an immersive experience that captures the essence of Tolkien’s world. With its focus on Fellowship, subtle magic, cultural backgrounds, and an emphasis on exploration and social interaction, this game is perfect for fans of Middle-earth who want to experience a roleplaying adventure that stays true to the spirit of the original stories. Gather your Company, choose your Patron, and embark on an epic journey through the lands of Middle-earth!

Introducing the Random NPC Generator: Enhance Your Tabletop RPG Experience

Are you a dungeon master, a world-builder, or a storyteller looking for an easy way to create unique and diverse non-player characters (NPCs) for your tabletop RPG or fictional setting? Look no further! We’re excited to introduce the Random NPC Generator, a user-friendly web-based tool that generates a random NPC with just one click.

The Random NPC Generator is designed to help you quickly populate your world with intriguing characters that have a distinct name, race, job, and personality. With the generator’s extensive lists of options, you’ll get access to a wide range of character combinations that can bring your world to life.

How Does It Work?

The Random NPC Generator is simple to use. Just visit the generator’s webpage and click on the “Generate NPC” button. Instantly, the tool will generate a random character complete with a unique name, race, job, and personality. The output is displayed neatly on the screen, making it easy to read and incorporate into your game or story.

Features and Benefits

Some of the key features of the Random NPC Generator include:

  1. Ease of Use: With a simple and intuitive interface, the Random NPC Generator is suitable for users of all skill levels.
  2. Variety: The generator offers an extensive list of names, races, jobs, and personalities, ensuring that each generated NPC is distinct and memorable.
  3. Speed: Need an NPC on-the-fly? The Random NPC Generator is your go-to solution. Just click the button, and you’ll have a new character in seconds.
  4. Customizability: The generator’s code is open-source, so you can easily modify and expand the lists of names, races, jobs, and personalities to suit your specific setting or preferences.

Use Cases

The Random NPC Generator is a versatile tool that can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Tabletop RPGs: As a dungeon master, use the generator to create NPCs for your players to interact with, whether it’s for a one-off encounter or an ongoing campaign.
  • World-building: Populate your fictional world with diverse and interesting characters that can drive your story forward or serve as background flavor.
  • Creative Writing: Use the generated NPCs as inspiration for character development or as a starting point for crafting engaging narratives.

The Random NPC Generator is a valuable addition to any storyteller’s toolbox, providing an easy way to create memorable characters that can enrich your tabletop RPG experience or fictional world. Give the Random NPC Generator a try and discover the endless possibilities it offers. Have fun, roll some dice!

Try out the Random NPC Generator and other tools Here

10 Exciting D&D 5e House Rules to Boost Fun and Player Engagement in Your Campaigns

Tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5th Edition are all about having fun and engaging with your friends in exciting adventures. While the core rules provide a solid foundation for gameplay, sometimes adding custom rules can enhance the experience and make it even more memorable. Here are ten custom rules that you can introduce to your D&D 5e games to increase fun and engagement without breaking the game balance.

Shared Inspiration

Inspiration points are a great way to reward players for excellent role-playing or creative thinking. To promote teamwork and camaraderie, allow players to give their Inspiration points to other players during the game. This encourages players to pay attention to each other’s actions and acknowledge great role-playing moments.

Environmental Interactions

Spice up combat encounters by encouraging players to use the environment creatively. Offer minor mechanical benefits, such as advantage on certain rolls or small damage boosts, when players describe their actions in a cinematic way. This will lead to more exciting battles and foster creative thinking.

Dynamic Critical Hits

Add variety and excitement to critical hits by allowing players to choose a bonus effect from a list, such as knocking the target prone, disarming them, or pushing them back. This change makes critical hits feel more impactful and allows players to tailor their attacks based on the situation.

Flashback Scenes

Enhance narrative depth and character development by introducing flashback scenes. Allow players to use a flashback during gameplay, where they describe a past event or interaction that helps them in the current situation. This encourages role-playing and can lead to interesting revelations about characters’ backstories.

Mini Skill Challenges

Integrate mini skill challenges during gameplay to highlight individual character strengths and promote teamwork. These challenges require players to use their abilities creatively to overcome obstacles or solve problems, rewarding teamwork and inventive thinking.

Catch Your Breath

Give players more options for survival by allowing them to regain a small amount of hit points during combat by using their action to “catch their breath.” This encourages tactical decision-making and helps keep the action going even when healing magic is scarce.

Descriptive Spellcasting

Reward players with minor bonuses, such as a slight damage boost or a small increase in duration, when they describe their spells in a particularly creative or engaging way. This incentivizes vivid descriptions and makes spellcasting feel more immersive.

Signature Moves

Let each player create a signature move for their character that provides a small mechanical benefit or unique effect. This adds flavor and personalization to characters while encouraging players to think about their character’s fighting style and background.

Heroic Sacrifice

Empower players to make heroic sacrifices during dire moments, such as taking damage meant for an ally or using their action to save another character from a fatal blow. In exchange, they gain a temporary bonus, like advantage on all rolls for a short time. This rule adds drama and excitement to gameplay while fostering a sense of camaraderie among the players.

Session Goals

Encourage role-playing and character growth by asking players to set a personal goal for their character at the beginning of each session. If they achieve the goal during the session, reward them with experience points, Inspiration, or other benefits. This motivates players to think about their characters’ motivations and development.

Introducing custom rules to your D&D 5e games can breathe new life into your sessions and create memorable experiences for your players. Always discuss these changes with your group to ensure everyone is on board and excited about the new rules. Tailor these suggestions to fit your group’s preferences and playstyle, and watch as your games become even more enjoyable and engaging. Happy adventuring!

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