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10 Magic items you can give to low level characters | D&D 5e

Disclamer: Your players will figure out how to abuse these. Use at your own risk.

These ten low-level magic items are designed to add some fun and excitement to early levels of D&D 5e gameplay. By providing unique and useful abilities, these items can help players feel more invested in their characters and can enhance their combat or exploration capabilities.

Many low-level characters may not have access to high-level spells or powerful weapons, but these items can level the playing field and give them an edge in battles or other challenges. For example, the Flame Kiss Dagger adds fire damage to an otherwise basic weapon, making it a more powerful tool for combat. The Boots of Spider Climb allow characters to traverse difficult terrain with ease, while the Boots of Leaping help them make daring acrobatic maneuvers.

In addition to being useful in combat, many of these items provide interesting role-playing opportunities. The Soul Shard allows players to trap the souls of defeated enemies, giving them a unique way to gain information or extract revenge. The Vial of Enchanted Water provides a temporary boost to one skill or ability, which can be useful in social situations or other non-combat encounters.

Overall, these low-level magic items are a great addition to any D&D campaign. They provide unique and useful abilities without overpowering characters, and can add some much-needed excitement to the early stages of the game.

D10 Result Description
1 Flame Kiss Dagger This +1 dagger deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. The blade is hot to the touch, but the wielder is immune to the heat
2 Boots of Leaping These boots grant the wearer advantage on Acrobatics checks and allow them to make standing jumps up to twice their normal distance
3 Gloves of Spider Climb These gloves allow the wearer to climb vertical surfaces or ceilings as if under the effects of the Spider Climb spell for up to 10 minutes per day
4 Crystal of Elemental Binding This small crystal can be used to summon a tiny elemental creature of the corresponding element (air, earth, fire, or water) for 1 minute per day. The creature is friendly to the user, but will not obey complex commands
5 Soul Shard This small shard of obsidian can be used to trap the soul of a defeated enemy. If the enemy is of equal or lower level than the user, the user can choose to summon the trapped soul to aid them in battle for up to 1 minute per day
6 Wand of the Magi This wand has 3 charges, and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. The user can spend 1 charge to cast the Magic Missile spell, 2 charges to cast Scorching Ray, or 3 charges to cast Fireball
7 Vial of Enchanted Water This vial of water is infused with powerful enchantments. When the user drinks the water, they gain advantage on their next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check within the next hour.
8 Cape of the Bat This magical cape allows the user to transform into a bat for up to 10 minutes per day. While in bat form, the user gains the ability to fly and can squeeze through tight spaces
9 Mask of Invisibility This mask allows the user to become invisible for up to 1 minute per day. While invisible, the user gains advantage on Stealth checks
0 Staff of Thunderbolts This +1 quarterstaff has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. The user can spend 1 charge to cast Thunderwave, 2 charges to cast Shatter, or 3 charges to cast Lightning Bolt

Have fun and roll some dice!


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3 Adventure hooks to get your players excited

As a game master, one of the keys to running a successful TTRPG campaign is to keep your players engaged and interested in the story. While the main plotline of the campaign is important, adding in side quests and adventures can help to break up the monotony and add some excitement to the game.

By incorporating side quests like the ones described in this post, you can give your players a chance to explore new settings, encounter new enemies, and interact with interesting NPCs. These quests can also provide a break from the main plotline, allowing the players to regroup and recharge before diving back into the action.

Side quests can also be a chance to highlight the unique skills and abilities of each player character. For example, a heist adventure might be the perfect opportunity for the rogue to shine, while a puzzle-based adventure might be a chance for the wizard to use their intellect.

By providing new challenges and opportunities for adventure, you can keep the game fresh and exciting, and keep your players coming back for more.

Here are three adventure hooks to get your players excited!

  1. The Forgotten Tomb: While exploring a remote corner of the kingdom, the players stumble upon an ancient tomb that has been lost for centuries. But as they delve deeper into the tomb, they discover that it is not as abandoned as they first thought. Unseen forces begin to manipulate the tomb, and the players soon find themselves fighting to survive. To incorporate this hook into an existing campaign, consider having an NPC or quest-giver point the players in the direction of the tomb, perhaps offering a reward for its discovery. Once the players enter the tomb, you can introduce traps, puzzles, and monsters to keep them on their toes.
  2. The Mysterious Island:
    The players find themselves shipwrecked on a seemingly deserted island, with no memory of how they got there. But as they explore the island, they discover that it is home to strange and mysterious creatures, ancient ruins, and perhaps even a hidden civilization. To incorporate this hook into an existing campaign, consider having the players stumble upon the island while traveling by ship or on a mission. You can use the island as a chance to introduce new creatures and settings, and to explore themes of survival and discovery.
  3. The Heist: The players are approached by a wealthy noble who needs their help with a delicate matter. A valuable artifact has been stolen from his family’s estate, and he needs the players to retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands. The catch? The artifact is located in the heavily guarded vault of a rival noble, and the players will need to use all their skills to pull off the heist. To incorporate this hook into an existing campaign, consider having the noble approach the players with the job while they are on a separate mission. You can then use the heist as an opportunity to introduce new characters, settings, and challenges, as the players plan and execute their plan to retrieve the artifact.

No matter which hook you choose, remember that the key to a successful adventure is to keep the players engaged and invested in the story. Make sure to include plenty of opportunities for role-playing, combat, and exploration, and be open to the players’ ideas and suggestions as the story unfolds.

Have fun and roll some dice!

About Me

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Hi there! My name is Trisden, and I’m a TTRPG enthusiast with a passion for introducing new players to the hobby and helping them become confident Game Masters.

I first discovered the world of TTRPGs in 2015 as a fully formed adult in my 30s, and I was immediately drawn to the creativity, imagination, and collaborative nature of the games. Since then, I’ve played countless games, explored a wide range of systems and settings, and even created my own homebrew campaigns.

One of my favorite things about TTRPGs is the community. I love connecting with other players and Game Masters, sharing tips and tricks, and collaborating on new ideas. That’s why I started this blog – to share my love of TTRPGs with others and build a community of like-minded gamers.

My mission with this blog is to make TTRPGs accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for new challenges or a complete newbie who’s never rolled a die before, I’m here to help you navigate the world of TTRPGs and discover the joy of collaborative storytelling.

In particular, I’m passionate about introducing new players to the hobby and helping them become confident Game Masters. I believe that anyone can run a successful TTRPG game with the right tools and support, and I’m committed to providing those tools and that support to new GMs.

So whether you’re looking for tips on character creation, advice on running a game, or just some inspiration for your next adventure, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to my blog, and happy gaming!

Writing an exciting story arc for your homebrew TTRPG campaign

Writing an exciting story arc for a homebrew campaign can be a challenging but rewarding task. It’s an opportunity to create a unique and engaging story that is tailored to the interests and play styles of your players. In this post, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for writing an exciting story arc that will keep your players engaged and invested in the game.

  1. Start with the Big Picture:
    When planning your story arc, it’s important to start with the big picture. What is the overarching theme or conflict of your campaign? What are the major events or plot points that will drive the story forward? Starting with the big picture can help you create a clear and cohesive story arc that will guide your players through the game.
  2. Create Memorable NPCs:
    NPCs are an essential part of any story arc, and creating memorable and engaging NPCs can make the game world feel more alive and immersive. Think about the motivations and goals of your NPCs, and how they can interact with the players and the world around them. Creating unique and memorable NPCs can add depth and complexity to your story arc, and give your players a reason to care about the game world.
  3. Use Cliffhangers and Plot Twists:
    One of the most effective ways to keep your players engaged and invested in the story is to use cliffhangers and plot twists. These can be used to create tension and excitement, and keep your players on the edge of their seats. Consider using unexpected plot twists or introducing new challenges and conflicts to keep the story fresh and engaging.
  4. Use Player Feedback:
    It’s important to listen to player feedback and use it to shape your story arc. Ask your players what they’re enjoying about the game, and what they’d like to see more of. Use this feedback to adjust your story arc and make it more engaging and tailored to your players’ interests.
  5. Emphasize Player Choice:
    Finally, it’s important to emphasize player choice in your story arc. Give your players the freedom to make choices that affect the story and the world around them. This can involve offering multiple paths or solutions to challenges, or allowing players to make decisions that affect the outcome of the story. Giving your players agency in the game world can make the story feel more immersive and engaging.

By starting with the big picture, creating memorable NPCs, using cliffhangers and plot twists, using player feedback, and emphasizing player choice, you can create a unique and engaging story arc that will keep your players invested in the game. Remember, the goal is to create a fun and exciting story that everyone can enjoy.

Have fun and roll some dice!

Create interesting NPCs

Non-player characters (NPCs) are an essential part of any tabletop RPG. They can provide information, offer quests, and add depth and personality to the game world. But creating interesting NPCs can be a challenge, especially for new game masters. In this post, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for creating NPCs that are engaging, memorable, and add to the overall gameplay experience.

  1. Give Them a Unique Personality:
    One of the best ways to create interesting NPCs is to give them a unique personality. This can involve giving them a distinct voice or accent, a quirky behavior, or a specific backstory that sets them apart from other NPCs in the game world. Think about what makes your NPC unique and how their personality can enhance the overall gameplay experience.
  2. Create Goals and Motivations:
    NPCs should have their own goals and motivations that drive their actions and decisions. This can involve anything from seeking revenge on a rival NPC to protecting a valuable artifact. Creating clear goals and motivations for your NPCs can add depth and complexity to the game world, and create interesting storylines for the players to follow.
  3. Use Visual Descriptions:
    A great way to make NPCs more memorable is to use visual descriptions. This can involve describing their appearance, clothing, or other distinguishing features. Giving your NPCs a distinctive appearance can make them stand out in the minds of your players and help create a more immersive game world.
  4. Make Them Interactive:
    NPCs should be interactive and engage with the players in meaningful ways. This can involve asking the players for help, providing useful information, or offering unique quests or rewards. Creating interactive NPCs can make the game world feel more alive and help keep the players engaged and invested in the story.
  5. Add Flaws and Quirks:
    Finally, don’t be afraid to add flaws and quirks to your NPCs. This can involve giving them a phobia, a speech impediment, or a tendency to ramble on about their personal life. Flaws and quirks can make your NPCs more human and relatable, and add an extra layer of depth and personality to the game world.

By giving your NPCs even a few of the unique qualities, you can create NPCs that are interesting, memorable, and add to the overall gameplay experience.

Have fun and roll some dice!

The pillars of TTRPG gameplay

Tabletop RPGs (TTRPGs) are a unique form of gaming that rely on a combination of gameplay pillars to create an engaging and immersive experience. These gameplay pillars can be thought of as the core elements that make up the gameplay experience of a TTRPG. In this post, we’ll go over the three main gameplay pillars of a TTRPG: Exploration, Combat, and Roleplaying.

  1. Exploration:
    Exploration is one of the most important gameplay pillars of a TTRPG. It involves exploring the game world, interacting with non-player characters (NPCs), and discovering new places and things. This can involve anything from investigating a mysterious artifact to delving deep into a dangerous dungeon. Exploration can also involve discovering clues, solving puzzles, and discovering hidden secrets. It’s an essential part of creating an engaging and immersive game world.
  2. Combat:
    Combat is another important gameplay pillar of a TTRPG. It involves engaging in battles with enemies, whether they be monsters or other NPCs. Combat can be an exciting and challenging aspect of a TTRPG, and it can involve a range of mechanics, such as turn-based combat or real-time combat. Combat can also involve strategy and teamwork, as players work together to defeat the enemy and achieve their objectives.
  3. Roleplaying:
    Roleplaying is the third gameplay pillar of a TTRPG. It involves playing a character in the game world and making decisions based on that character’s personality, backstory, and goals. Roleplaying can involve anything from interacting with NPCs to making choices that affect the story and other players. Roleplaying can be an exciting and engaging aspect of a TTRPG, as it allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game world and create unique and memorable characters.

While these three pillars are the main elements that make up the gameplay experience of a TTRPG, they can also overlap and interact with each other. For example, combat can involve elements of exploration and roleplaying, such as using the environment to gain an advantage in battle or making decisions based on a character’s personality. The same can be said for exploration and roleplaying.

These pillars work together to create an engaging and immersive gaming experience, and each one is important in its own way. Whether you prefer exploring new places, engaging in exciting battles, or fully immersing yourself in your character’s backstory and personality, there is a gameplay pillar for everyone in a TTRPG.

Have fun and roll some dice!

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