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Hi there! My name is Trisden, and I’m a TTRPG enthusiast with a passion for introducing new players to the hobby and helping them become confident Game Masters.

I first discovered the world of TTRPGs in 2015 as a fully formed adult in my 30s, and I was immediately drawn to the creativity, imagination, and collaborative nature of the games. Since then, I’ve played countless games, explored a wide range of systems and settings, and even created my own homebrew campaigns.

One of my favorite things about TTRPGs is the community. I love connecting with other players and Game Masters, sharing tips and tricks, and collaborating on new ideas. That’s why I started this blog – to share my love of TTRPGs with others and build a community of like-minded gamers.

My mission with this blog is to make TTRPGs accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for new challenges or a complete newbie who’s never rolled a die before, I’m here to help you navigate the world of TTRPGs and discover the joy of collaborative storytelling.

In particular, I’m passionate about introducing new players to the hobby and helping them become confident Game Masters. I believe that anyone can run a successful TTRPG game with the right tools and support, and I’m committed to providing those tools and that support to new GMs.

So whether you’re looking for tips on character creation, advice on running a game, or just some inspiration for your next adventure, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to my blog, and happy gaming!